Artwork and sprites for Pipuri! SPICY!!

Red woman jumpscare

Beneath her cheery exterior is a dark curse I think; many terrible things happened to me while I was drawing this. The chili pepper is evil! Physiquewise she's a bit similar to Miel for my liking, although I made a bit of an effort to give them slightly different proportions so they don't look too alike.

Pipuri's range has additionally been nerfed to 2 tiles; her ability to buff teammates gives her pretty crazy potential which went above and beyond what other characters were capable of, especially given that in most circumstances her entire team would easily benefit from her presence. So, my options were to either make her buffs unsatisfyingly weak to compensate, or make benefiting from them have a stricter requirement. I went with the latter; she keeps her power, but allies have to stay closer to her to benefit.

While I was messing with mages, I also reworked Antero's active a bit to make it more powerful and satisfying to use; it now drastically reduces his atk interval to a blistering .25 of a second (almost ten times as fast as normal!), but causes him to deal halved damage. On top of watching him machinegun enemies being inherently entertaining, this also allows him to stack his passive on targets drastically faster, making him more responsive to use in the fast-paced battles this game can have and theoretically more of a team player (although at the moment only Pipuri can benefit from his debuff).

Get Kobold Crawler (alpha)

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